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Iskan Online

Access your accounts online anywhere and anytime

You are able to take advantage and get the Internet Banking service through the following e-Banking link

You are able to take advantage and get the Internet Banking service through the following e-Banking link

How to register for Iskan Online?

  • Via the website click the (Register Now) button from the Home Page then proceed to the following:
  • Enter your (Visa Electron number)
  • Enter your Visa Electron Pin number
  • And then click the (Submit) button
  • After successfully completing the abovementioned steps, a user confirmation screen pop up will be shown for Bank's secrecy purposes
  • Your username will be shown (your account number)
  • You will be requested to enter a password

Iskan Online Services

Account balance

  • Account summary
  • Transaction inquiry
  • Credit Cards inquiry
  • Inquire on Lien
  • Inquire on Temporary Overdraft
  • View Issued Cheques

 Money transfer

  • Funds transfer between your own accounts by using your transaction password
  • Funds transfer between customer accounts within The Housing Bank by using your transaction password
  • Paying off Credit Cards .

 Bill Payment (Zein/Orange/Miyahuna)

 Sending inquiries to the bank

 Services requested :

  • Stop Visa Electron card immediately
  • Cheque book Request
  • Special statements Request
  • Modifying customer Personal information

Security Advice

  • We offer our customers our confidential and user-friendly online platform to conduct their banking transactions. HBTF is committed to maintaining security and privacy with all its online banking services. That’s why HBTF has developed an advanced online banking solution that has a set of security policies and standards to protect its users from any hackers or fraudulent activity.
  • You can access your accounts online through our e-banking services Iskan online, if your password is entered incorrectly more than 6 times your account will be blocked automatically, and you will be asked to revert to your Branch to receive a new password.
  • Do not save any password on your mobile, do not use or write the password in the presence of others. please make sure to log out of the Iskan Online screen. Otherwise, the system will remain active, and you will remain logged in for 5 minutes before auto shutdown, to re-active your password please contact your branch or Call Center (Iskan 24/7) at+96265200400, or the toll-free number 080022111.


Password Terms and Conditions

  • The password should contain a minimum of 6 characters and a maximum of 12 characters
  • Preferable to have at least one number, one alphabet, and a special character. Allowed special characters are!@#$%^&*()_+=[{]}

FAQs about E-Services

By visiting any of our branches and filling the form 

You can sign up for the SMS service once you open an account or by visiting the nearest branch. You can also contact the call center at +0096265200400.To subscribe to the Iskan Mobile service , download the app stores and follow the registration steps.

The call center (Iskan 24/7) representatives are available to answer your questions 24/7,including official holidays and vacations.

People who are not bank customers can also communicate with the speaking bank
for the bank customers you need your Debit Card and PIN code