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Sunday 8 October 2023

Housing Bank Launches "Travel Insurance" Service on the Iskan Mobile Application


Housing Bank recently launched its Travel Insurance service, offering customers the convenience of purchasing and issuing insurance policies for international travel to destinations worldwide, including Europe and the Middle East. This service is available 24/7, allowing customers to access it directly and securely through the Iskan Mobile application, saving them time and effort.

The bank offers the service in cooperation with Gulf Insurance Group - Jordan. These services include various plans that cover different types of risks associated with both business and leisure travel. The coverage includes medical insurance, covering medical expenses, accident insurance, emergency insurance, as well as loss of luggage and identification documents, and more.

The service reflects the efforts of Housing Bank to diversify its insurance portfolio and enhance its digital services through the Iskan Mobile application. This not only enriches the overall customer experience but also ensures comprehensive and integrated digital services that meet the needs and aspirations of customers. It is characterized by keeping pace with global banking developments and aligning with the bank's digital transformation process.

The Iskan Mobile application is one of the bank's electronic channels, alongside Iskan Online, Call Center, IVR Service, Iskan 24/7, Iskan Chat, Iskan Pay, in addition to its ATM network. These services provide a range of basic banking services, financial solutions, and other features.


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