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About HBTF

The Housing Bank for Trade and Finance was established in 1973 as a Jordanian limited public shareholding company. The bank began its work as a bank specialized in the field of housing finance with a capital of half a million dinars, and after 24 years.

Our Vision: The Housing Bank for Trade & Finance (HBTF) is the preferred bank for customers.

Our core values: Satisfying customers, caring for employees and rewarding outstanding performance and teamwork.

HTBF's Major Financial Performance and Indicators

The Housing Bank Local and International Subsidiaries

The Bank embarked on the process of expansion outside Jordan during the 1990s.

Important information and Non-Deposited Shares and disclosures about our shareholders.

The General Assembly Meeting of Housing Bank for Trade and Finance.

achieving sustainability by pursuing a strategic approach in its policies and practices.

Bank News

Housing Bank Silver Sponsor of the ACI World Congress and ICA Conference in Jordan

Economic Newsletter

Economic Newsletter

The latest updates in terms of economic, financial and banking.

Learn More

Annual Report

Includes financial performance and work achievements.

Investor's Relations

Investor's Relations

​The aim of this section is to strengthen the relationship between the HBTF Group with the Investors and Financial Institutions by providing adequate information pertaining to the Group in terms of facts and performance.​

Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

the Bank is characterized by being a socially-active institution, which emerged from it's keenness to embody its vision, not only through banking services and products, but also through ongoing commitment to community service.



Housing Bank's successful journey has paid off, and it has earned many high credit ratings from international institutions and it has also received several other awards and certificates.