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Important information and Non-Deposited Shares and disclosures about our shareholders.

The General Assembly Meeting of Housing Bank for Trade and Finance.

The shareholders owning (5%) or more of the bank’s capital

Our Vision: The Housing Bank for Trade & Finance (HBTF) is the preferred bank for customers.

Our core values: Satisfying customers, caring for employees and rewarding outstanding performance and teamwork.

HBTF Investors Center Quarterly Presentation

Integrated banking solutions and services for all segments of customers of small, medium and large companies.

The annual report that includes financial performance, work achievements and developments in various sectors during the year.

Memorandum of association to read about HBTF By-law click on Download PDF

Housing Bank Governance & Compliance with the applicable Laws and Regulations



Housing Bank Net Profits Increased to reach JD80.1 million during the First Half of 2024

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)

The Act combats tax evasion of US expatriates

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Financial Performance

HTBF's Major Financial Indicators

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