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Iskan Plus Iskan Plus

Iskan Plus

With Iskan Plus program from Housing Bank, take the right step!

We designed Iskan Plus program exclusively for our distinguished customers, to take you to a distinguished level of banking services.

The specialized relationship managers and call center employees will give you the highest priority in receiving the service. From cash deposits and withdrawals in branches, to flexible financing solutions that meet all your needs.

Elevate your experience with us and we will always continue to improve the level of services we provide to you!

Free features

  • Dedicated relationship manager and designated Iskan Plus branches for prioritized banking services
  • Priority in queueing systems at the bank’s branches to get the banking services you need, such as withdrawing and depositing cash and checks
  • Priority at the call center service (Iskan 24/7)
  • Instant cash in case of emergency while traveling through Western Union quick transfers via Iskan Mobile application
  • Installments, discounts, and loyalty programs for debit and credit cards
  • Exemption of 50% on the Classic or Platinum primary credit card issuance fees for the first year
  • Extra chance of winning in savings accounts for every additional 100 JODs in the balance
  • Exemption of loan granting fees purchased from other banks (Buyout Loans)

 Subscribe to the paid program and enjoy all free feaures in additional to all features below at a small monthly fee* :

  • Exemption of 100% on the Classic or Platinum primary credit card issuance and renewal fees
  • Exemption from salary transfer commission of 1 JOD per month
  • Benefit from the advanced salary service with a commission of only 2 JODs per month.
  • Exemption from Housing Bank commission for 4 local transfers carried out annually. Maximum exemption is JOD 4 per transfer
  • Exemption from Housing Bank commission fee for 1 international transfer carried out annually. Maximum exemption is JOD 10 per transfer
  • Exemption from the fees of a 25-sheet checkbook once a year
  • Iskan Plus debit card with a special and modern design
  • Exclusive discounts for Iskan Plus customers from selected merchants when they use iskan plus debit card
  • A higher daily limit for cash withdrawals through our ATMs located across the Kingdom, and for purchases made with Iskan Plus debit card
  • A chance of earning more Iskan Coins when using the Iskan Plus debit card for purchase transactions
  • A lower interest rate than the advertised rate for Personal loan products granted to you
* To enjoy the additional features mentioned above, subscribe to the paid program at a monthly fee of 3.5 JODs.

Automated Safe Deposit Box

For the first time in Housing Bank, you have 24/7 access to your valuable belongings.

  • Keep your valuable and important document.
  • Automated safety deposit boxes are available in Shmeisani and Um Uthaina branches in different sizes to suit your needs.
  • You can access your box anytime through fingerprint access.

* Subject to the bank’s terms and conditions.

Files to Downloads

Contact us

For more information about Iskan Plus:

  • To contact Iskan Plus dedicated RMs, please click here 
  • Visit one of our relationship managers at any dedicated branch. To check the locations of our branches where Iskan Plus RMs are located, please click here​​.
  • Or contact Iskan 24/7 at +96265200400.


Benefits of Safety deposit boxes

The boxes are of different sizes to suit your needs

Know More


You can join Iskan Plus program by fulfilling the following criteria:

- A monthly transferred salary to Housing Bank with minimum value of 650 JODs and maximum value of 2599 JODs or equivalent in foreign currencies.

- The average balance of the customer's accounts (Term deposits / Current / Savings) in JOD currency should range from 10,000 JODs and less than 70,000 JODs or equivalent in foreign currencies.


Iskan Plus centers are available in 70 branches across the Kingdom. Click here