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Mustaqbaly Account

Mustaqbaly Account

Book a seat for your child's future

Now save for your children who are below the age of 18 in any of our Housing Bank branches

Give your children a unique opportunity to experience banking and understand the principle of saving in a simple manner that suits them through opening “Mustaqbaly” savings account, where they will get the chance to enter the draw for many valuable prizes, and by visiting our Iskan Young branch, you will learn about our many other services while benefitting from the features that come with them.

“Mustaqbaly” Savings Account Features:

  • Ability to win special savings Mustaqbaly account prizes Click here 
  • Ability to issue visa debit cards with the children's name on this account
  • Periodic interests added to “Mustaqbaly” account to help you save for your child’s long-term future
  • Ability to open the account by both parents (Father / Mother)
  • Benefitting from the many electronic services
  • Exemption from minimum balance fees
  • No minimum balance required

Terms and Conditions

  • The customer age must not exceed 18 years old
  • The account will be closed automatically after 12 months if the balance is zero during the period
  • The account will be dormant if two years have passed since the last withdrawal or deposit transaction (the dormant account commission is 2 JODs per month)
  • An adult can open Mustaqbaly account for the benefit of a minor or for a minor under the guardianship of their father

For further information, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Call Center (ISKAN 24/7) at +96265200400, or the toll-free number 080022111, or contact us on our social media platforms.


 - All savings accounts prizes are subject to income tax 15%.

 - Bank terms and conditions apply

* Download Mustaqbaly Application directly on your mobile phone at the Apple store for you IOS device or the Google Play Store for your Android device .

Book a seat to your child for future

NOW save for your children who are up to 18 years old in any of Housing Bank branches

Apply Now

FAQs about Mustaqbaly Account

- ID card

- A valid smart ID card for Jordanians (resident or non-resident)

- A valid passport for non-Jordanians (resident or non-resident)

- Identification card for the children of Jordanian women married to non-Jordanian men (resident or non-resident)

- Military ID/appointment certificate for members of the armed forces and security services (Jordanian resident)

- A valid service card for the Syrian community, stamped on the back with the seal of the security center that issued it, in addition to valid travel awards (non-Jordanian resident)

- Temporary residence card for people from the Gaza Strip (non-Jordanian resident)

- Diplomatic or administrative card issued by the Ministry of Interior (non-Jordanian resident)

- Proof of residential address: a recent utility bill from the last 6 months (electricity, water, landline, or internet). Exception: For low-risk Jordanian residents, provided the client’s address is fully completed on the account application, or a rental contract if the client is a tenant and the bills are in the name of the landlord

- Salary transfer letter