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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Habaybah Wins the Housing Bank Grand Prize of Half Million JOD



The Housing Bank announced the draw results of the end of 2015 grand prize on saving accounts, amounting to half million JOD to one winner only. The prize won by Nazih Eid Yacoub Habaybah, a saving account holder at the Housing Bank, branch: Fuhais.

The Housing Bank announces the winner live through the draw broadcasted in full on the Jordanian TV. Nazih Habaybah, winner of the half million JOD was interviewed and expressed his deep joy and unexpected surprise for winning the Housing Bank’s grand prize “Half million JOD”. He also expressed his sincere thanks to the Housing Bank as this prize will make his dreams come true, emphasizing that the Housing Bank is always the leading bank in granting savings accounts prizes on the banking level in Jordan, and having good reputation in Jordan and the Arab World. The winner (Nazih Habaybah) encouraged everyone to open saving accounts at the Housing Bank to save monies for them and their families and increase their monthly deposits in saving accounts to increase their chance in winning a saving account prize.

 Savings accounts prizes campaigns came as a commitment from the Housing Bank to continuous communication with clients as recognition for their permanent loyalty and trust in distinct several banking services. Through these motivational campaigns, the Bank is always keen to encourage existing customers to increase their account balances and to encourage non-client citizens to open a new saving accounts in any of the branches of the Bank in the hope of winning many prizes distributed by the Bank to the holders of these accounts.

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