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Thursday 21 February 2019

Housing Bank Holds Treasury Risk Management Course for Employees in Cooperation with BTRM

The Housing Bank's Training and Development Center/ Human Resources Department has held a Treasury Risk Management course for its employees in cooperation with the UK-based company BTRM Ltd.  

The course is part of a series of training courses by the Housing Bank that aims to develop and strengthen the capabilities of its employees and equip them with the necessary skills to keep up with the continuous growth of the banking sector, in addition to exposing them to the best global practices in this sector.

The course was delivered by the best international academics and experts in treasury risk management, and included an introduction to the banking model, financial data and legislation; asset and liability management, including banking products, interest rate criteria, Basel III rules and capital adequacy; liquidity risk management, including risk measures and limits; capital management, including capital structure and asset and liability management; and credit risk, including bank lending policy.

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