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Monday 26 September 2022

Housing Bank Gold Sponsor of ‘The Health Sector within the Economic Modernization Vision’ Conference

Housing Bank - the most widespread bank in the Kingdom – has provided its gold sponsorship for ‘The Health Sector within the Economic Modernization Vision’ Conference organized by the Jordan Association for Medical Insurance (JAMI) under the patronage of former Minister of Health Eng. Saeed Darawzeh at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre/ Hilton Hotel, Dead Sea on September 24-25.

Housing Bank’s sponsorship of the conference, which was held in cooperation with the Social Security Corporation, the King Hussein Cancer Foundation, and the Health Care Accreditation Council, came in line with the bank’s social responsibility strategy that supports the health sector to advance and support the state’s directions in its aim to provide the best health services to citizens.

By analyzing the experiences of Arab and regional countries in this sector and highlighting the reality and legislative regulation of health insurance, the conference aims to develop effective healthcare policies to achieve a distinctive health system with honorable philanthropic goals that achieve the Kingdom's deserved position on the global map; in addition to raising the scientific and technical level of workers in the health insurance field.

The conference also highlights ways to utilize information and communication technology to improve health insurance systems as well defining the role of national and international institutions in contributing to topics as health financing and governance.

The Jordan Association for Medical Insurance represents various groups who receive medical services. JAMI is concerned with protecting citizens' rights, works to build relationships with medical authorities, improve the efficiency and standards of the medical services offered, and continues to maintain the costs of doctors, hospitals, and other medical service providers.

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