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Wednesday 25 January 2023

20 Kilos of Gold for the 2022 Housing Bank Savings Account Prize Top 10 Winners

In a festive setting at the Housing Bank’s headquarters, the grand prize for savings account withdrawals, consisted of 20 kilograms of gold was distributed among 10 winners, 2 kilos of gold each, as part of the bank's "Save and Win Gold" campaign launched in 2022.

The Housing Bank’s “Save and Win Gold” is the largest prize campaign for savings accounts in the Jordanian banking industry, with over 3000 winners receiving in-kind prizes worth over JOD2.5 million. Every day, 20 golden liras were distributed to 20 winners, and in a draw last September, 10 prizewinners went home with 10 kilograms of gold.

The Housing Bank follows a strategic approach, which is based on diversification and constant renewal, in regards to managing its relationships with clients who have a saving account, which embodied in a constantly developed and upgraded savings accounts award system.

The strategy aims to recognize and appreciate client’s loyalty and trust by thanking them in a unique way that provides them with a beneficial impact that can positively shape their future. It will also encourage them —and others— to make wiser financial decisions and spending habits, as well as broaden the benefits offered in the marketplace.

Moreover, The Housing Bank provides its clients with a wide range of effective savings options, in addition to the standard savings accounts, it offers term deposit accounts with lucrative financial returns and prizes, merchant accounts with competitive returns, and the free “Easy Tawfeer” service, which enables the clients to top off their savings accounts with each purchase made using a direct debit card from the bank.

 As more savers open one or multiple new saving accounts or replenish existing ones, the upcoming 2023 prize campaigns will add more winners to the long list of prizewinners the bank has compiled over the years. Additionally, information about the unique prizes ahead will be announced during its formal launch. 

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