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Thursday 13 April 2023

Housing Bank Continues to Support Tkiyet Um Ali’s Programs


Housing Bank recently renewed its strategic partnership agreement with Tkiyet Um Ali, which has been in place for over a decade, to continue supporting its various programs and activities, particularly during the holy month of Ramadan. It is based on the bank’s desire to help address urgent societal challenges, with the achievement of food security being its most prominent, and in line with the requirements of sustainable solidarity, and the bank’s keenness to contribute to facing these challenges.

Within the framework of cooperation, volunteers from the bank’s “Iskan Giving” team who are acting as the bank’s ambassadors, implementing its social responsibility strategy through charitable and humanitarian efforts. As they participated in the distribution of charity packages to families in need benefiting from the services of Tkiyet Um Ali, according to the guidelines and requirements they have authorized. Additionally, the team served meals at the organization’s headquarters to people fasting at the Mawa’ed Al Rahman.

Housing Bank’ collaborated with Tkiyet Um Ali to support various sectors, institutions, and societal spectrums as part of its social responsibility policy, through activities connected to this strategy, the bank enables its workers to take part in initiatives that help foster positive change among staff members. This is done by carrying out its tasks and volunteering to serve the community within the various “Iskan Giving” activities.

The bank, through activities connected to its strategy, enables its workers to take part in initiatives that help foster positive change among staff members. They do this by carrying out their tasks and volunteering within the various "Iskan Giving" activities.

It is noteworthy to mention that Tkiyet Um Ali is a non-governmental and non-profit organization founded in 2003. It aims to eradicate hunger through its various food aid programs and meet the nutritional needs of families living in extreme poverty in all governorates and districts in Jordan. Throughout the year, the organization delivers monthly food parcels to those in need.


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