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Tuesday 5 April 2022

The Housing Bank Renews its Strategic Partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali

The Housing Bank- the most widespread bank in Jordan - renewed its strategic partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali, a move that is in line with its belief in the importance of supporting non-profit organizations with humanitarian goals. Through its continued partnership with the Housing Bank, Tkiyet Um Ali will be able to achieve its goal -eradicating hunger in Jordan.

The Housing Bank and Tkiyet Um Ali have had a long strategic partnership agreement for many years, which reflects the bank’s social responsibility through supporting Tkiyet Um Ali families and its ongoing efforts towards enhancing sustainable development.

Under the agreement, the Housing Bank will offer monthly food parcels to a number of underprivileged families endorsed by Tkiyet Um Ali for an entire year, in addition to covering the cost of 200 food parcels to be distributed during the holy month of Ramadan to endorsed households.

Housing Bank CEO Ammar Al-Safadi stressed Tkiyet Um Ali’s distinguished role in eradicating hunger and food poverty in the Kingdom. Al-Safadi explained that the renewed strategic partnership with Tkiyet Um Ali comes reflects the Bank’s awareness of the importance of the organization and its distinguished role which enables it to sustain its support for beneficiaries during the holy month of Ramadan and throughout the year.

Al-Safadi went on to explain that the Housing Bank's social responsibility strategy program includes support for the less fortunate, national institutions, organizations and non-profit associations that are based on achieving humanitarian goals and sustainable development, pointing out the Bank’s continued developmental and societal role.

Director General of Tkiyet Um Ali Samer Balqar said, "We appreciate the Housing Bank’s ongoing support for our programs and initiatives that aims to eradicate hunger in the Kingdom. Through its support, the Housing Bank has contributed to delivering food to families who need it most in the Kingdom. By forging strategic partnerships such as this one with the Housing Bank and other private intuitions, we aim to actualize our vision; Towards a hunger free Jordan."

Tkiyet Um Ali is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2003 with the aim of eradicating hunger in Jordan. Through its sustainable feeding programme, Tkiyet Um Ali provides food parcels to underprivileged families throughout the Kingdom on monthly basis and throughout the year. The food parcels include all the basic nutritional elements which fulfill the needs of a family for an entire month.

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