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Wednesday 20 March 2024

Housing Bank Organizes a Charity Iftar at the Jordan Children's Museum


Housing Bank hosted a charity Iftar for a group of orphaned children during the holy month of Ramadan at the Children’s Museum Jordan. The charity Iftar was a part of the Ramadan Charity Iftars program organized by the Jordan Children’s Museum Jordan in coordination with several charity societies and orphanages.

The charity Iftar was held as part of the bank’s numerous activities that it is implementing during the holy month, and in line with the goals of its social responsibility program “Imkan By Iskan’’    through which it is keen to pay attention to the aforementioned category of children within the social empowerment sector adopted by the bank.

A group of Housing Bank volunteers participated in organizing the Iftar as part of the “Imkan By Iskan”program. The activities included an integrated experience for children in an entertaining and interactive Ramadan atmosphere that allows children to benefit from educational and exploratory offers within the fun and interactive exhibition hall. It also included a distinctive segment featuring a storytelling character, which narrated tales and stories to children in an exciting manner before Iftar, bringing together children and volunteer employees from Housing Bank.

 “Imkan By Iskan ” Program is considered the bank’s primary umbrella in the field corporate social responsibility within a systematic and sustainable institutional framework, based on a series of initiatives, activities and strategic partnerships with various NGOs and institutions concerned with community work. It also relies on the efforts and contributions of its volunteer employees, who are considered the bank’s ambassadors in the field ofcommunity development, and humanitarian work.

The Children's Museum Jordan seeks to organize charity Iftars every year during the month of Ramadan according to a program directed towards companies that wish to sponsor one or more iftars. Many children invited from charitable organizations and orphanages benefit from these activities,  in line with the spirit of the holy month of Ramadan to encourage giving, participation and noble values.

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