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Thursday 21 March 2024

The Housing Bank honors the mothers of the Jordanian SOS Children's Villages Association - Amman on the occasion of Mother's Day


In celebration of Mother's Day, the Housing Bank honored the mothers of SOS Children's Villages in Amman, for their noble mission to care for children without parental support. This was to acknowledge of their humanitarian and educational role and to present them as admirable models of motherhood and alternative care.

This honor came during a visit by a group of the Bank's employees to SOS Children's Villages - Amman, as part of the Bank's various social activities.  Through these activities, the Bank expresses its keenness to engage with all segments of society on different occasions, with a focus on women, whom it considers of great importance within its internal environment and in  its community activities.

It is worth noting that Housing Bank has been in a strategic partnership with  the SOS Children's Villages Association Jordan for years. This partnership includes sponsoring the expenses of the houses in the village of Amman, aligning with the goals of its specialized social responsibility program "Imkan Housing", which focuses on the social empowerment of various segments of society

It is also important to mention that the "Imkan Housing" program is the main umbrella of the bank in the field of development and community work within a systematic and sustainable institutional framework. The program is based on a series of initiatives, activities and strategic partnerships with various entities and institutions concerned with community work. It also relies on the efforts and contribution of its volunteer employees, who are considered ambassadors of the bank in the field of development, community, and humanitarian work.

The SOS Children's Villages Association of Jordan is a national non-profit association established in 1983.  It provides alternative family care for children and youth without parental support  in its three villages in Amman, Aqaba,  and Irbid, as well as in its youth houses. The association offers a range of services for alternative family care services, including food security, housing, education, health care, psychological care, empowerment, economic security, protection and community integration for children without parental support.

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