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Tuesday 31 August 2021

The Housing Bank and the Elia Nuqul Foundation Hold an Online Meeting with Students Benefiting from the Bank’s Scholarships


The Housing Bank, held an online round table meeting with Elia Nuqul Foundation students who hold scholarships from the bank.

The meeting, which is in line with the bank's efforts to maintain communication with the students and the institutions that support them, was chaired by Housing Bank Chief Operating Officer Ibtissam Al-Ayoubi and Elia Nuqul Foundation Chairman of the Board of Trustees Ghassan Nuqul and was also attended by current and former students as well as senior members of both institutions.

Since 2016, the Housing Bank and the Elia Nuqul Foundation have had a strategic partnership agreement that has provided scholarships at public Jordanian universities to the foundation's students as a way of empowering youth and enabling them to complete their university studies.

According to Al-Ayoubi, the Housing Bank opted to hold the meeting as a way of maintaining open lines of communication with the scholarship holders and helping them achieve their educational goals. The students outlined their most prominent achievements during the academic year, as well as any challenges they may have faced, and brainstormed with meeting attendees on the most ideal ways to resolve them. Al-Ayoubi urged the students to continue to develop their personal and technical skills, which will help them enter the labor market smoothly. She also stressed the bank's commitment to supporting the educational sector through partnerships such as the one with the Elia Nuqul Foundation, which ultimately contribute to empowering future generations.

Also at the meeting, Nuqul praised the efforts of the Housing Bank, one of the largest and most prominent banks operating both locally and regionally, in working towards achieving sustainable development across all sectors, especially in education. He added that the foundation's strategic partnership with the Housing Bank is a direct reflection of the continuous efforts by both entities to offer outstanding students who are unable to complete their university studies the opportunity to become productive and active members of their communities.  

For over 45 years, the Housing Bank has implemented an ambitious corporate social responsibility strategy that focuses on corporate citizenship through support for social, humanitarian, charitable, educational, health, environmental and sports initiatives and activities, which have had a tangible and positive impact.

Since its establishment in 2008, the Elia Nuqul Foundation has worked to develop the youth sector by providing opportunities for students to complete their academic studies at universities, colleges or through vocational education in addition to giving them access to workshops and seminars that help in the development of their personal, professional and technical skills that are in line with the needs of the job market. Prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, 71% of the foundation's students entered the labor market upon their graduation.

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