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Tuesday 31 May 2022

Save and Win Gold Housing Bank Launches Gold Prizes for Saving Accounts

The Housing Bank- the most widespread bank in Jordan, announced its annual savings account campaign for 2022, titled ‘Save and Win Gold’. This innovative camping relies entirely on gold prizes, with a total value of 2.5 million dinars, making it the largest campaign in the Kingdom’s banking market in terms of the total number of winners and total prize value.

The campaign provides 20 daily winners to customers who hold savings accounts, provided that their balances are not less than 100 JODs. Each of the 20 winners will get 1 gold lira, in addition to quarterly and end-of-year savings account prizes, provided that the customer’s balance is not less than 1,000 JODs. For the quarterly September prize, each of the 10 winners will get 1 kilo of gold, as for the end-of-year prize, each of the 10 winners will get 2 kilos of gold. 

Customers have the right to win more than one daily prize during the campaign period, noting that the Housing Bank prizes are considered the largest in the Jordanian banking market in terms of the total value of quarterly prizes amounting to half a million dinars, while the end-of-year prizes amount to one million dinars. It is also the largest in terms of number of winners, with more than 3 thousand winners and a total prize value of more than 2 million dinars.

Through the new ‘Save and Win Gold’ campaign, the Bank aims to encourage current and future customers to feed their savings accounts, in the hope of getting multiple opportunities to win gold prizes, daily, quarterly, and at the end of the year.

The Housing Bank has been accustomed to launching annual savings account prize campaigns since 1977. This reflects the bank’s interest in encouraging clients to adopt incentive programs to save and develop their existing account balances. The savings account campaign for 2022 is considered the first of its kind, where the entire campaign is based on gold prizes. 

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