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Thursday 14 July 2022

On the Occasion of Eid Al-Adha Housing Bank takes part in Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization's "Eid Clothing" Initiative

Housing Bank for Trade and Finance, the most widespread bank in the Kingdom, partnered with the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) on the Eid Clothing initiative, a move that is in line with its corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy to support charitable organizations in carring out their missions.

Throughout the campaign, which was held to mark Eid al-Adha, clothing coupons were distributed in the Mafraq to underprivileged families in cooperation with the Charity Clothing Bank, a project under the umbrella of JHCO.

Through its extensive CSR strategy, Housing Bank offers its annual support to a number of campaigns and initiatives that reflects its vision of serving all segments of Jordanian society and positively contributing to promoting sustainable and comprehensive development in the country. Housing Bank previously partnered with the Charity Clothing Bank on a program to distribute winter coats to less privileged families in Jordan.

The Charity Clothing Bank, a JHCO project, was established in 2013 with a mission of providing appropriate clothing for underprivileged Jordanian families throughout the year through exhibitions that grants the joy of shopping for families in need at no cost.

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