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Thursday 8 December 2022

Housing Bank Carries out Emergency Evacuation Drill at its Headquarters

Housing Bank - the most widespread bank in the Kingdom - carried out an emergency evacuation drill for employees at its headquarters in Shmeisani on Wednesday afternoon, 07/12/2022, in coordination with the Public Security Directorate and the Civil Defense Directorate. The drill was carried out within a short time span, in line with international standards in this area.

This drill was carried out to ensure the readiness and efficiency of the public safety system in the bank's headquarters, ensure compliance with procedures and instructions during the evacuation process, assess the contingency plans established, and ensure their effectiveness and compliance with public safety requirements in the event of any emergency.


The evacuation scenario included the activation of the alarm system, and the directive of the bank's accredited emergency team to evacuate all staff to the nearby assembly points using emergency exits, only returning to their offices after confirming the safety of the site, in coordination with the evacuation services.


The exercise was a success, being conducted with high professionalism and within a standard period relative to the number of employees and the size of the bank's building.

The experience has demonstrated the commitment of Housing Bank to the highest standards of security and safety to maintain the safety of the bank's employees and customers and property. All employees of the bank are subjected to courses in public safety to train them on how to deal with any incident on a regular basis.


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