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Monday 7 November 2022

Housing Bank Organizes a Cancer Awareness Event

Housing Bank - the most widespread bank in Jordan and in cooperation with King Hussein Cancer Foundation organized an event in the bank’s headquarters building to raise awareness about early breast cancer detection in October and about men’s health and lung cancer during the month of November.

The organization of this event is part of the strategic partnership that connects the bank with King Hussein Cancer Foundation to ensure the employees’ health and wellbeing, along with the importance of raising awareness about prevention to create a healthy environment for everyone.

The event included a ‘Bake Sale’, in which food and beverages were sold to employees and their earnings went to King Hussein Cancer Foundation to support King Hussein Cancer Center’s patients. In addition, an educational booth was available to educate and strengthen the banks’ employee’s awareness about cancer.

It is important to note that there has been a long strategic partnership between Housing Bank and King Hussein Cancer Foundation. The purpose behind the partnership is for the bank to support the efforts of the Foundation in treating cancer patients and improve general knowledge about the importance of conducting regular checkups and early detection, as part of the bank’s efforts to create effective partnerships with local nonprofit organizations that carry meaningful humane messages. 

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