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Sunday 24 April 2022

Housing Bank CSR team 'Ataa Al Iskan' Participates in Tkiyet Um Ali’s Volunteering Program During the Holy Month of Ramadan

The Housing Bank CSR team 'Ataa Al Iskan’ participated in several volunteering programs with Tkiyet Um Ali throughout the holy month of Ramadan.

The team participated in distributing monthly food parcels to families endorsed by Tikyet Um Ali in the Al-Aqsa charity organization in Madaba, in addition to serving hot meals to those fasting as part of the “Mawae’d Al Rahman” at Tikyet Um Ali headquarters in the Mahatta area.

The Housing Bank and Tikyet Um Ali have been in a strategic partnership for many years, through which the Bank seeks to support Tikyet Um Ali in achieving its vision to achieve a hunger -free Jordan. This is in line with the bank’s social responsibility strategy in supporting national non-profit institutions.

As one of the Housing Bank’s main social responsibility strategies, the 'Ataa Al Iskan’ team encourages volunteer employees to participate in social initiatives supported by the bank as well as promotes the positive role the Bank plays as one of the largest institutions committed to its national and social role in the Kingdom.

Tkiyet Um Ali is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established in 2003 with the aim of eradicating hunger in Jordan. Through its sustainable food support program, Tkiyet Um Ali reaches out to families living in extreme poverty throughout the kingdom , with monthly food parcels enough to fill their nutritional needs for the whole month.

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