This program is dedicated to offer suitable financing for renewable energy sector through the Jordanian Central Bank directly at financing rates covers 100% of total financing.
Firms and companies working in all economic sectors.
Interest Rate:
Financing Ceiling:
Financing ceiling is up to 4.00 M. JODs.
Promissory Note payable endorsed to the favor of CBJ which the loan requested represents 85% of the promissory note, in addition to any other extra guarantees from the customer on the light of assessing the client's credit worthiness.
Loan Term:
Repayment period is up to 10 years at maximum in terms of target industries within the program, including the grace period up to 2 years. Loans can be repaid on monthly, quarterly, semiannual payments or one lot.
Financing Objectives:
Objectives within renewable energy sector by financing renewable energy systems, whether for the beneficiary of the system or the company providing it, or any other objectives which are approved by the central bank.